Comet 19 mm. Yellow with Tail 40 feet

These comets are an indoor favorite because the colors are vivid, clean burning and consistently fire to the specified height. Each comet is fallout free and capless.

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CE Registriernummer 0589-T1-0098
CE Typ Komet
Farbe Gelb & Schweif
Effekthöhe in m. (max.) 10,2
Effektbreite in m. (max.) 1
Nettoexplosivstoffmasse (NEM) in gr. 2,9
Sicherheitsabstand direktional (m.) 15
Sicherheitsabstand radial (m.) 2
Schalldruckpegel (dB Almax) 98,2 @ 8 m.
UN Nummer UN 0431
Transport Klassifikation 1.4G (E), ADR/RID/IMDG/ICAO