Mortar Hit Yellow

Similar in function to the plain mortar hits, but with a shorter duration and a much brighter flash. Produces vivid colors with very little ash. Yellow is much faster than the red or green, producing an extremely bright flash and low frequency report.

Typically, yellow is not used in tight spaces in proximity to audience or performers.

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CE Registriernummer 0589-T2-0014
CE Typ Theaterblitz
Farbe Gelb
Effekthöhe in m. (max.) 1,5
Effektbreite in m. (max.) 1,5
Nettoexplosivstoffmasse (NEM) in gr. 37
Sicherheitsabstand direktional (m.) 3
Sicherheitsabstand radial (m.) 1,5
Schalldruckpegel (dB Almax) 125 @ 8m.
UN Nummer UN 0431
Transport Klassifikation 1.4G (E), ADR/RID/IMDG/ICAO