Mine 100 mm. White Glitter Crackle matrix 200+

This mine is built around a custom-designed, fluted cavity base that aligns and directs 14-30mm comet stars in a perfect radial pattern to heights of 200'+

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CE Registriernummer 0589-T2-0010
CE Typ Feuertopf
Farbe Weiss Glimmer & Crackle
Effekthöhe in m. (max.) 69
Effektbreite in m. (max.) 15
Nettoexplosivstoffmasse (NEM) in gr. 312
Sicherheitsabstand direktional (m.) 78
Sicherheitsabstand radial (m.) 15
Schalldruckpegel (dB Almax) 121,4 @ 8m.
UN Nummer UN 0431
Transport Klassifikation 1.4G (E), ADR/RID/IMDG/ICAO