Mine 100 mm. UltraFast Yellow, 200+ feet

This mine is built around a custom-designed, fluted cavity base that aligns and directs 14-30mm comet stars in a perfect radial pattern to heights of 200'+

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CE Registriernummer Nein
CE Typ Nein
Farbe Gelb
Effekthöhe in m. (max.) Nein
Effektbreite in m. (max.) Nein
Nettoexplosivstoffmasse (NEM) in gr. 275
Sicherheitsabstand direktional (m.) Nein
Sicherheitsabstand radial (m.) Nein
Schalldruckpegel (dB Almax) 121,4 @ 8m.
UN Nummer UN 0431
Transport Klassifikation 1.4G (E), ADR/RID/IMDG/ICAO