Concussion Powder Regular

Extremely loud, Kp/Al formulation. Full 1 inch wall, steel mortar required. We will only sell this product to those users who have purchased the proper hardware for its use. (See the hardware section for items available.)

Concussions are very fine powders and MUST be shaken vigorously for a full two minutes for proper operation. 

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CE Registriernummer Nein
CE Typ Nein
Farbe Silber Flash
Effekthöhe in m. (max.) Nein
Effektbreite in m. (max.) Nein
Nettoexplosivstoffmasse (NEM) in gr. 28
Sicherheitsabstand direktional (m.) Nein
Sicherheitsabstand radial (m.) Nein
Schalldruckpegel (dB Almax) Nein
UN Nummer UN 0431
Transport Klassifikation 1.4G (E), ADR/RID/IMDG/ICAO

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